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Fall Ball

Orangevale Pony Baseball operates a Fall Baseball season. These programs run from approximately Labor Day until the week before Thanksgiving.

Each Fall Ball division is open to all players who will be playing in that same division the following spring season. Thus, Fall Ball is a great opportunity for younger players who will be moving up an age division to accustom themselves to the more demanding game, different rules, and larger diamond of the higher division.  It is also a great opportunity for 2nd year kids in these divisions to get extra reps and continued coaching so that they can continue to develop their baseball skill sets.

Fall Ball is designed as a developmental league. Fall Ball is a series of practice sessions and fun scrimmage games focusing on game fundamentals and skills instruction. This is a great opportunity to learn new skills and sharpen existing skills in a less competitive environment than the regular spring season. Games are played but scores are not recorded and standings are not kept. Players are encouraged to try new and different positions. 

Unlike the spring league, there is no draft or tryouts for Fall Ball. Teams are formed privately by coaches that are interested in dedicating their time to this season.  OVPB will do its best to get players in touch with teams that are forming if they are interested in the season but don’t have any contact with these coaches.

Any local youth is eligible to register and participate. Prior baseball or Pony league experience is not required.  In fact, Fall Ball can be a great way for kids from outside the league to experience Pony Baseball without having to commit to a spring season.

Q & A with Sean Pritchard, League Player Agent 2016/17

Why should my son/daughter play in Fall Ball?

Fall Ball is great for all divisions. More reps = more consistent performance. If your son or daughter is moving from one younger division to the next older division, Fall Ball can be a great way for them to learn the new rule sets of that division giving them a great head start on the next season. This is especially helpful for players aging into Pinto (7-8) and Mustang (9-10) because these divisions are where the most amount of rule changes take place and new skills are developed.

What will they learn? How will they be inspired? How will they grow?

Fall Ball is great because without the pressure of a win/loss record and the emphasis being on player development, players are given more opportunities to develop skills at positions they desire to grow at. This also make the game a little more fun. I personally try to make practices a little more fun by incorporating different elements to practice as well. (water slide, sliding practice; water balloon batting practice, etc.) Fall Ball also gives them the ability to get some consistency throughout the year rather than playing baseball for 3 month (during spring season) then taking 9 months off and planning on being just as good the next spring season.

How will this affect their childhood baseball years?

If you talk to any trainer in any sport, more quality reps = more consistent performance. Ultimately it comes down to the player, but they are entering a season where they can more refine their craft.

What advice would you give to families on the fence about Fall Ball?

I can understand the struggle. Typically, if you are on the fence it is because you are concerned about the schedule or your child's commitment. Ultimately it is dependant on your individual child's desire to play baseball. I am always a proponent of kids enjoying multiple sports. This is why I like Fall Ball being a Sunday season. It allows kids to enjoy other sports and continue to grow in baseball as well. I guess ultimately you have to ask yourself, "Will a season like this allow my player to develop some confidence which will allow them to enjoy the game more?" If that answer is yes, you should seriously consider joining.

Player & Coach Selection

Each Fall Ball team is comprised of one Manager, one Head Coach, at lease one Assistant Coach, and 9 - 15 players.

Team development typically begins once the spring season has ended and All Star season is mostly concluded. Although formings of team do start coming together through the 2nd half of the sping season as well. This is typically during casual conversation and discovery of persons interested in pursuing a fall season.

Players are selected based on desire to play. There is no win loss records kept, and if a team decides to keep score that is their decision. This season of baseball is specifically designed for kids to get more practice and game time reps pursuing a sport they enjoy. Teams should NOT be selected with the mindset that winning is the priority.


The rules governing play will be the set designated for that division of play.  If you would like more information about specific division rules sets you can find those in OVPB’s By-Laws. HOWEVER, because games are played at other leagues fields as well as our own, rules MAY change slightly from location to location.  This often is due to player safety concerns from one field to the next.  (example, Golden Eagle Pony does not allow metal cleats for Bronco.  Thus, when we play there metal cleats are not allowed to be worn.)

Play Fall Ball!

Get on our Fall Ball mailing list! Please click the link and fill out and submit the Fall Ball Interest Form