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At the conclusion of each season, a select number of players are invited to join post season tournament teams, commonly called “All-Stars”, that participate in local and regional tournaments. These players, their teams, and their families serve as the ambassadors of OVPB to other leagues around Northern California, the PONY Western Zone, and (potentially) the state of California and even all of the United States through the Pony World Series.

The All-Stars Tournaments are considered the climax of the regular season. There are many advantages to tournament play, not the least of which is the travel experience players gain and extension of their knowledge through close contact with players from other areas and environments.Players can also learn a great deal about discipline, self-respect and community pride through the medium of tournament travel.

All OVPB families are encouraged to attend these post-season tournaments, support our baseball community, cheer for our kids, and watch some really great baseball!

Player & Coach Selection

Each All-Star team is comprised of one Manager, one Head Coach, one Assistant Coach, 12 Players, and 3 Alternate Players. Team development typically begins at the Second Half of the season (see Orangevale Pony Baseball, Inc. By Laws for information on Second Half). The Manager of the All-Star team is determined through the Tournament of Champions (TOC) bracket at the end of the season. The winning Manager is given the first opportunity to take the All-Star team. Should that Manager refuse the opportunity it will be given to subsequent Division Managers based upon TOC ranking.

Players are selected with the objective of fielding the best possible team. Selection begins with a nomination or an invitation to try out. Selected players will begin practicing together, typically on Sundays, at home fields, for the remainder of the Spring season and throughout tournament play.

These teams will also likely participate in one or two local tournaments leading up to the PONY Sectionals in an effort to better prepare the teams for PONY All-Star Tournament play.

For detailed information, the Orangevale Pony Baseball, Inc. By Laws Article XVI - All-Star Teams describes the manager, coach and player nomination and selection process.

Tournament Play

The PONY Baseball organization annually sponsors a series of tournaments that ultimately lead to the PONY World Series. Separate tournaments are held for each division, Shetland through Pony. OVPB typically develops one team per division (Shetland through Pony) at the recreational level, and allows each “Select” division team to enter the All-Star Tournament.

The PONY World Series track typically consists of four tournament rounds depending on the number of teams available throughout the individual Sections and Zone as a whole:

  • PONY Sectional Tournaments- generally held in late June or early July. This is the first round of tournaments.
  • PONY Regional Tournaments- typically held in mid-July and includes all teams that won Sectional Tournaments, plus the tournament host team.
  • PONY Zone Tournaments- generally held in late July and consists of these teams that have won Regional tournaments.
  • PONY World Series is generally held in early-August and includes one team from each of the six zones, plus the Zone host team and tournament host team. Details about the PONY World Series are available on the PONY website.

All-Star 2018 Dates

All-Star Tournament games are played throughout California with the potential of playing in the World Series out of state. 

please note: Tournament dates and times are subject to change due to team count and hosts field availability.

Q & A with Tim Anderson, President 2016/17 & Sean Pritchard, League Player Agent 2016/17

Why should my son/daughter play in All-Stars?

If they were not challenged enough by the recreational season, All-Stars may be able to provide them with the challenge they crave while increasing their skills and knowledge of the game. ~Tim

If they are considering entering into our Select division All-Stars will give them a taste of Tournament level baseball. Some families find out that even though their child has the talent/desire to play at a higher level that it is not necessarily something they want to commit to for long periods of time (like an entire season / year). ~Sean

What will they learn? How will they be inspired? How will they grow?

Many players enjoy the excitement of playing on new fields, and even enjoy the travel with their families to these new locations. For many players, they enjoy representing their community on a higher level. ~Tim

When players get selected for a team like this it gives them a sense of accomplishment. Their hard efforts during the regular season have bore fruit and gives them an added challenge to keep developing their craft. Coming together with the rest of the best also gives them a sense comradery with a group of kids that have come together for a special part of the season. The higher level coaching, modified rule sets, and tougher competition helps develop a deeper determination to push through adversity and compete. ~Sean

How will this affect their childhood baseball years?

The higher level of coaching and competition will increase their level of knowledge of the game and give them an extra advantage going into future seasons. ~Sean

Additionally, many of the players will forever remember the travel experience they had with not only their families, but with the other players and their families. Often people stay at the same hotels and build memories after hours, too, poolside and at local pizza places. ~Tim

What advice would you give to families on the fence about All-Stars?

It is my opinion that a player never turn down an opportunity to play because they don’t know if they will get another shot at it. All-Stars is an experience that will be remembered forever and will push your player outside of their comfort zone with a healthy stressor. ~Tim

I can understand the struggle. You don’t want to push your child to do something they are not completely committed to, but don’t want them to miss an opportunity. Life in general is heavily dependant on taking risks. I would say encourage them to exercise that skill of taking healthy risks. In this arena they will be in an opportunity to develop new relationships and experience a side of baseball that few kids get the chance to do. These experiences and exercising of our character help shape the adults that we become.~Sean

What does it cost?

OVPB covers the cost of the Recreational divisions (Rec) All-Star Tournament entry fee to PONY National and provides monies towards uniforms. Select division teams are required to pay their own entry fees to PONY National and provide their own uniforms. There is no individual OVPB registration cost to be considered for All-Stars.

Additional costs can include upgraded uniform costs, will include team tournament gate fees (depending on location either this will either be a flat rate per team or a per person gate fee (including players and coaches)), travel expenses, spectator fees, and possible additional costs.

How to players and coaches qualify?


In order for your child to qualify for All-Stars they need to meet the following requirements:

  1. Live within OVPB’s boundaries. Our boundaries are rather large and if you have a concern about your address please contact our League Player Agent to discuss your address.
  2. Play for only one PONY league. You can NOT qualify for All-Stars if you are playing for two different PONY affiliated leagues in one season.
  3. Play/Be on the roster for a minimum of half of your team's scheduled games.
  4. You can ONLY qualify for All-Stars in the division (age group) that you are playing in the regular season. (No play ups / downs the only exception to this would be to play the required games to qualify in the division you are trying to qualify in.
  5. Be the appropriate age. Each division in PONY is decided by age. Pony - 14U, Bronco - 12U, Mustang - 10U, Pinto - 8U, and Shetland 6U. The “U” stands for Under; which means that you must be that age or under to play at that division. Special concessions are sometimes made for players during the regular season based on ability. In instances where an older that age group player is playing “down” a division will NOT qualify for All-Stars at that division. They would have to meet #4 above. Age cut-off for the 2016/17 season is 4/30/17.
  6. Players must be in good standing with the league.
    1. Players that have had documented disciplinary problems may not qualify for All-Stars.
    2. Players accounts that have outstanding balances will not qualify.

Managers and Coaches

  1. Must not have documented Code of Conduct problems with the league.
  2. Must pass our Background Check.
  3. Must have provided proof of Concussion Training.
  4. Must have met the League's sponsorship requirement for your regular season team.

2016 Shetland All-Stars

The Shetland All-Stars were the runner-up in the Sectional Tournament hosted in Rodeo. They advanced to the West Zone World Series as the North Division Winners. The West Zone World Series took place in Seaside. Shetland went 2-1 in Seaside. They came in 3rd in Northern California!!!

Shetland All-Stars

Players: Colton Coburn, Jaxson Cook, Carter Coss, Lucas Dickerson, Reed Krouse, Jeyden Lemes, Ezra Owen, Isaiah Sheehan, Parker Taylor, Ty Uhde, Mason Wehling, Braden Wilson

Coaches: Eric Taylor, Justin Wehling, Mike Coburn, Kody Sheehan

2016 Pinto All-Stars

The Pinto All-Stars placed second in the Sectional Tournament in Orangevale. They advanced to the Regional Tournament in Fairfield. They ended their run on Saturday by placing 5th in the Region.

Pinto All-Stars

Players: Connor Anderson, Carter Gustafson, Ian Peatross, Logan Shanks, Anthony Maher, Devon James, Gage Duncan, Jaylin Thiessen, Jeremiah Pritchard, Josh Harter, Keegan Glick, Matthew Bunny

Coaches: David Gustafson, Scott Peatross, Chris Anderson

2016 Mustang All-Stars

The Mustang All-Stars went undefeated in the District Tournament in Rocklin and brought home the District Championship. They then advanced to the Sectional Tournament in Rocklin and went undefeated and brought home the Sectional Championship. Mustang then advanced to the Regional Tournament in Pittsburgh and placed 5th in the Region.

Mustang All-Stars

Players: Colin Callahan, Brent Ott, Kia Wallin, Jacob Morgan, Nick Grey, Anthony Lira, Cody Ferrante, Aidan Ferrante, Zane Kynce, Brandon Matullo, Adam Nott, Dylan Crabtree, Connor Campbell

Coaches: Yonnie Langham, Cody Ferrante, Otto Matullo

2016 Bronco All-Stars

The Bronco All-Stars played in the District Tournament in Rocklin and brought home the 11U District Championship. They advanced to the Sectional Tournament in Rocklin and placed 3rd in the Section and advanced to the Regional Tournament. Bronco then continued to play and placed 4th in the Region.

Bronco All-Stars

Players: Caiden Butler, Daniel Stegall, Austin Wehling, Wyatt Skellenger, Matthew Douglas, Dylan Overstreet, Joshua Morris, Judah Morris, Aidan Nielsen, Logan Richards, Brody Jensen, Joshua Jernigan

Coaches: Dan Stegall, Chris Butler, Justin Wehling, Eric Jackson, LaKeal Morris, Allan Nielsen