Terms of School Usage

These rules apply to all the schools OVPB Teams Play or Practice.
- NO PETS are allowed on school grounds (except service dogs)
- The use of tobacco in any form is prohibited on school grounds. Including e-cigarettes!
- Alcohol use is strictly prohibited on school grounds.
- Illegal drug use is strictly prohibited on school grounds.
- There is NO PARKING or dropping off in the back of Pasteur Middle School, and that doing so may cause the car to be towed at the owner's expense.
- There is NO PARKING or idling in the Discovery Club Parking at Pershing Elementary.
- There is NO PARKING or idling in the Discovery Club Parking at Green Oaks Elementary.
- According to Article XIII, #12, of the OVPB By-Laws, any violation of school district rules will result in ejection from the park and that failure to leave the park upon ejection shall result in forfeiture and/or stoppage of said member's team's game.
I understand it is my obligation to inform family and friends of these rules when they come to watch my child play.
Please remember we are guests on school property.